How To Make Things Happen (And Attract Success)

Why are some individuals seemingly better at achieving success than others? The answer to this question will help you to enhance your ability and chances to make things happen.

For instance, you know procrastination usually doesn’t get you where you need to go, but you just can’t seem to avoid it. What is the root cause of procrastination, and why do you always postpone your Most Important Tasks(MITs)? Could it be the fear of failure, or the fact that you are uncertain about what the outcomes of your new task will be?

Familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of individuals who make things happen will enable you to complete every task and get moving forward in your life..

Attributes of People Who Make Things Happen

Here are some traits shared by individuals who make things happen. If you’re looking to achieve your goals and push forward, try cultivating some of these features to enhance your chances.

They Are Go-Getters

They don’t believe in “what will be will be.” These people are go-getters and trailblazers. They believe that if anything significant is going to occur, they have to make it happen.

These people also tend to have a great deal of confidence in their abilities. They don’t see impossibilities, and they never give up until they have completed their tasks. They have good self-esteem and don’t need your validation to showcase their excellence.

They Always Go the Extra Mile

They are not afraid to fail. They see failure as a learning process, and they do whatever it takes to realize their goals. For instance, if they have to take online courses to gain productivity skills, they will remain resolute until they have acquired the skills. Even when they don’t have to financial capability to pursue a degree in college, they will make sacrifices or trade-off their comforts to achieve their aims.

They Are Doers, Not Talkers

The world is full of talkers with few actors. Anyone that will make things happen in life must walk the talk. While others are wasting time talking about their dreams, these people are already working on their tasks with a strong commitment. Once you figure out what you want from life, the next task is to commit yourself to act on them.

They Use Their Time Wisely

They are proactive and don’t put off important tasks to be done tomorrow. They understand that procrastination robs anyone of opportunities. Time wasters are opportunity wasters. Every minute counts for these people. They do not allow circumstances to dictate how they live; they plan their time.

They Create Opportunities

These people don’t wait for opportunities to happen; they create them. They set boundaries and do not allow anything to stop them from asking for help. Opportunities are never left aside for people who make things happen.

They Are Resolute

They never give up, even when they come across obstacles. They understand what they need to do to get back up when they fall. They don’t wallow in self-pity. When they fail, they learn from their mistakes and forge on.

They Are Diligent

It takes consistency to succeed in any project. These people do their tasks diligently. They are not bored with routines. They know the best time to stay strong is when they feel like quitting.

They Always Think About Their Life Mission

These people understand the significance of having a life mission. They also know how to align their goals and strategies to achieve that mission. One of the ways they do this is by always thinking about their goals. That way, they can live in alignment with their mission.

They Are Lifelong Dreamers

They are never comfortable with their present level of success. They seek for ways to improve on their achievements. They pursue new frontiers regardless of their age. They believe if they can start a business at age 30, they can also build one at 60. Age is never a limitation.

They Invest in Self-Improvement

These people constantly assess themselves and seek for means to be better. This attitude is what you need to attract success and sustain your dreams and goals. Individuals who make things happen pursue ways to be more productive.

They Establish SMART Goals

They are not wishful thinkers; they set realistic goals and deadlines to see their dreams come to reality. They take on goals one at a time.

They Face Their Fears

They don’t deny the feeling of fear, but they do not permit this feeling to hinder them from making things happen. If they don’t have what it takes, they outsource to those who can help.

They Focus

They do not permit distractions to jeopardize the actualization of their goals. They focus like a laser on their goals.

If you exhibit any of these traits, then you have what it takes to make things happen. Otherwise, you can begin to cultivate new habits, attributes, and attitudes of people who make things happen.

But if you are asking yourself, “How can I make things happen?”, here’s how!

9 Ways to Make Things Happen

Experiment with the following techniques to find what helps you push past challenges and make your goals happen.

1. Use the Pomodoro Method

Francesco Cirillo created the Pomodoro technique in the 80s, and it has remained one of the notable tools for managing time. The Pomodoro method enables you to focus your mind and energy on a particular activity for a specific period.

For instance, you can concentrate for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break before resuming the next task((Forbes: The Pomodoro Technique Explained)).

2. Create a To-Do List

Making a to-do list of what you need to do will enable you to free your mind and be productive. You can create a weekly to-do list while you establish the Most Important Tasks for each day to achieve every item on your weekly to-do list.

It is also important to evaluate your list every weekend to know what works and what does not. It will also help you to figure out which tasks you need to carry over to the next list.

3. Select Your Priorities

Decide on what you are going to work on the next day before going to bed. Establishing your priorities ahead of time will enable your brain to be ready for what is ahead.

4. Create a Reward System

Once you achieve a milestone, pay yourself with something you enjoy. It could be a favorite movie or game. You can also reward yourself by going for a walk or cooking your favorite meal. This act of rewarding yourself any time you achieve a goal will help your brain associate positivity with outcomes.

5. Persist

It takes persistence to make things happen. Make every effort to actualize your goals or complete the tasks on your to-do list, regardless of any challenges. Persistence is what separates successful individuals from the rest of the world.

6. Minimize Distractions

What are your major distractors? It could be your smartphone, television, emails, or Facebook. You can avoid those distractions by asking people to keep them for you or simply putting them in another room while you work. Reflect to increase your awareness of things or less-important activities that normally take your eyes off your goals.

7. Focus Like a Laser

Once you set your mind on a task, do not lose focus. Losing sight of your thoughts can delay you from achieving a result. It takes focusing like a laser to make things happen.

8. Help Others

We rise by lifting others. Find a need and meet it. An act of generosity can provide you with useful resources and enable you to build a formidable social network.

9. Make Your Time Count

If you are feeling desperate and tired before your time is up, it is time to evaluate how you spend your time. Ensure that your minutes are not wasted on useless activities. Each minute must count towards the achievement of your goals.


All these attributes and tips will enable you to become more focused and make things happen. You need the stamina and energy to act on your goals. Poor diet, lack of sleep, and other bad habits can make you lose your stamina. Figure out the implication of procrastination and empower yourself with the right knowledge, skills, and strategies to make things happen.

More Tips on Making Things Happen

  • 50 Ways to Increase Productivity and Achieve More in Less Time
  • 15 Reasons Why You Can’t Achieve Your Goals
  • 7 Effective Time Management Tips To Maximize Your Productivity



