Coffee versus Matcha: Which Is Right for You?

Do you prefer coffee’s robust flavor and caffeine kick, or the calming energy boost of an earthy-tasting matcha green tea? Which brew is best is an ever-growing debate—with strong arguments on both sides. Both beverages have a unique chemistry offering you a range of health benefits and sipping pleasure.

Caffeine content

Caffeine is a driving force behind our love for coffee and tea. The exact amount of caffeine in each beverage varies with the quality, variety, and preparation method. On average, brewed coffee contains 65 to 120 mg of caffeine per cup, with the Arabica variety of beans slightly lower in caffeine than the Robusta variety. The average cup of matcha, typically made with 1/2 tsp of matcha powder, contains 38 to 88 mg. Although it contains less caffeine than coffee, matcha offers a higher caffeine buzz than other forms of green tea.



