Continuing our important series with wellness expert Elissa Goodman, we’re talking all about a topic we’ve never touched on so specifically before: mouth bacteria (gross, right?). We’re shocked to hear how closely oral health is related to some very important health issues. Just read the quote from Dr. Joseph Mercola below.
“Studies unequivocally show that bacterial imbalances and dysbiosis in your mouth can contribute to inflammation in your body and activate cancer genes.”Goodman is shedding some light on this very important topic and recommending six valuable action steps we think you’ll find illuminating. Read them through and then, like we’ve done, share this article with just about everyone you know…
Your mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria. A toxic mouth taxes your immune system and causes inflammation, keeping your body from producing healthy cells, creating an environment ripe for breeding cancerous tumors. It is imperative that your immune system work at its max just to counteract the toxicity in the air, water and food supply. By using the solutions below, you can clear the harmful bacteria from your mouth so your body can focus on keeping you cancer and disease free.
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Read our entire series about cancer, wellness and detox with Elissa Goodman. Start here and watch this space! Find additional information on a biological dentist in your area by visiting IABDM or IAOMT
The post A Dirty Mouth: Why Oil Pulling Is More Important Than You Think appeared first on The Chalkboard.