In this era of “fast fashion,” clothing makers are constantly turning out new styles at low costs and dizzying rates. This high-paced production is detrimental to both human health and the planet. Toxic fabrics now permeate the fashion industry, winding up in our closets, on our bodies, and in our landfills. However, by embracing a more mindful approach to our clothing, we can bring together healthier and more sustainable wardrobes.
For starters, here are some toxic fabrics to avoid.
Synthetic fabrics
Fabrics like polyester, nylon, spandex, and acrylic are created using manmade fibers derived from petrochemicals. These fabrics undergo chemically intensive processing and are responsible for considerable offputs of carbon dioxide. Not only are synthetic fabrics made with chemicals that are toxic to humans, but they also offer less breathability than their natural fiber counterparts and have been linked to increased instances of dermatitis.