10 Common Breakfast Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, and studies show that what you eat in the morning can have a huge impact on how you feel throughout the day. If you’re hungry and low on energy a few hours later, you might be making these common breakfast mistakes.

You skimp on fiber

Fiber improves gut health and lowers blood sugar levels and cholesterol. But even if you eat a nutrient-packed diet, you might still be missing out on the recommended daily amount. Most adults need a minimum of 25 to 38 g of fiber daily. A high-fiber breakfast will fill you up. Plus, fiber slows the body’s absorption of carbs, so you don’t get a sugar spike followed by a quick crash. Don’t wait for lunch and dinner to eat high-fiber foods like whole grains, chia and flax seeds, nuts, and fruits and vegetables. This Chia Seed Pudding contains 6 g of fiber per serving!



